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90-0. 96, sensitivity of 0. 85 95 CI, 0. 79-0. 90, and specificity of 0. 85 95 CI, 0. 79-0. 95, 0. 80-0. 85 and for CA19-9 the AUC of 0. 90 95 CI, 0. 87-0. 94, sensitivity of 0. 86 95 CI, 0. 80-0. 90 and specificity of 0. 99 95 CI, 0. 96-1. The results were confirmed in the validation cohort by combining panels and CA19-9 index I with AUC of 0. 94 95 CI, 0. 90 to 0. 98 and index II with AUC of 0. 93 95 CI, 0. 89 to 0. Compared with CA19-9 alone, the AUC for farmelox combination in index I and CA19-9 was significantly higher P 0. The performance of the panels in patients with stage IA-IIB pancreatic cancer for Dexasalyl index I was 0. 80 95 CI, 0. 73-0. 87, index I and CA19-9 with AUC of 0. 83 95 CI, 0. 76-0. 90, index II with AUC of 0. 91 95 CI, 0. 87-0. 94, and index II and CA19-9 with AUC 0. 91 95 CI, 0. 86-0. Melanin is the pigment that gives color to the skin and is synthesized as a protective response to attacks on the epidermis.

Sun exposure, hormonal changes and cutaneous inflammatory processes dexasalyl an overproduction of melanin in the skin. This excess accumulates with age and is what gives rise to persistent hyperpigmentation. As Dr. RibГ, order dexasalyl online of RibГ Clinic and member of Top Doctors, clarifies, вhyperpigmentation is a response of our skin cells to a stimulus that causes them to produce melanin pigment that accumulates. The stimuli can be variable from light, inflammation, hormones, medications.